
Profiles are settings for supported architecture and default settings for the portage package system (system ebuilds and default use flags).

Open the upgrading guide and see what to do. There is also a description in

eselect deals with the profiles:

eselect profile list shows all profiles available and

eselect profile set<number> lets change (update) to an other profile.

Behind the scenes it modifies where the link /etc/make.profile points to.

Profiles have sub-profiles as example the profile default has the sub-profile linux default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop/gnome and this corresponds the directory and subdirectory structure under /usr/portage/profiles.

When changing the profiles run emerge --update --deep --newuse world since it is expected that the useflags have been changed.

Check your profile by following the link /etc/make.profile , that points somewhere into /usr/portage/profiles . Files are shared between different profiles, to avoid duplication. In cascaded profiles a file called parent points to a list what has been added too. Using the links in the parent files a complete tree of directories can be created and those directories contain the files defining the profiles. as example the file make.defaults appears a couple of times and holds the USE flag settings.

Figure 14.1. Cascading profiles



The system variable CHOST tells the c compiler for what it has to compile. Once set, modifying require a sequence of steps until the complete system gets aware of the change.

Recompiling everything using emerge --ask --emptytree @world might be necessary. See:

On newer profile CHOST does not have to be set in /etc/portage/make.conf since the profiles have a default value.

CHOST contains different fields see:

Example 14.2. CHOST


  • x86_64 is the architecture (only mandatory field)

  • pc is the vendor information

  • linux is the operating system

  • gnu is the c library

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