Chapter 4. Add SW to Raspberry PI OS

Table of Contents

mariadb on Raspberry
Wireguard on Raspberry
NFS server with auto mount on Raspberry
Access the samba server from an other linux client
Access the samba server from a Windows client
PHP server side scripting
Home Assistant
Install Home Assistant in a python virtual environment
Run Home Assistant
Add a shelly to home assistant
MQTT and mosquitto
MQTT from Shelly
MQTT to Shelly
Media Server

/etc/apt/sources.list contains the links to the packet sources

sudo dpkg-query -l to see what packages are installed

sudo dpkg-query -l | grep <packagename> for a specific package

sudo apt-get install mc to install midnight commander

sudo apt search <packagename> to see what package can be installed

remove sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove <packagename> and sudo apt-get purge <packagename> and sudo reboot.

apt-show-versions -a <packetname> shows versions available, installed apt-show-versions might have to be installed first

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