Python is a high level interpreter language, supporting object oriented programming, and having a lot high level libraries for all kind of applications. It is highly portable to all kinds of hardware devices and operating systems. Python scripts are converted to byte code that runs on a virtual machine. Additionally there is IronPython that runs on top of .NET (or Mono) or Microsofts python for .NET and Jython that runs on Java virtual machine. There are ten-thousands of python packages available at
Extending python is connecting C routines to python. The other way around is also possible, embedding python is integrating the python interpreter in a c program. And have this run the python script.
Python scripts have usually the extension py but can also have no extension at all, since under Linux the magic first line
tells exactly what to do when this file has to be executed, start the interpreter found under /usr/bin/python
The first thing to know when dealing with python scripts is that to group commands no {} brackets are used, everything is done with indention.
Be consequent and do not use tab characters but use space characters for the indent, so when using different editors no mess gets created.
Avoid long sequences of nested code segments, use functions and objects to encapsulate.
As general advice, if the code is getting large and nested, then its is time to learn a bit more about python since using the right methods (including, dictionaries, sets, classes, libraries) surprisingly compact code can be written.
The file /usr/bin/python
is probably a link to a command as /usr/bin/python2
or /usr/bin/python3
because different version of python might be installed on the computer. It selects therefore the default python to be used. To be more specific the magic line could be
to select python3
Today still many python scripts are written for python2 that has incompatibilities with python3. So a python3 script will not run with a python2 interpreter and vice a versa.
Since python2 is no more actively developed, this book concentrates on python3.
If the computer is setup for python3 it fails when starting a python2 script. Therefore /usr/bin/python2 <script name>
will force to use python2
A script 2to3 is installed that can automatically convert python2 scripts to python3
see: Running 2to3<myscript>
.py it will analyze the script and prints the changes to the screen. To rename the python2 script to <myscript>
.py.bak and create a converted python3 script run it as 2to3 -w<myscript>
.py. If python 2 is set as the active python interpreter run it as python3<myscript>
.py. Note that python3 is a link to something as python3.1
Or set the magic line first line to choose the right version:
2to3 makes use of fixers that can be listed with 2to3 -l. Not all are active per default and need to be enabled with 2to3 -f<name of fixer>
if desired.
The 2to3 works well on simple scripts, where the keyword print gets converted to the function call print(), but the troubles come with the libraries and file access.
To test python open a console and type python. Now you can type in commands and see what is going on.
On Getnoo Linux eselect python list will show what python version is the default and what are installed
Different python versions are probably installed on the same computer so the question arises what packages are available and taken. A way to see it is starting
Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 30 2016, 21:08:25) [GCC 4.9.3] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
User installed packages end up as ~/.local/lib64/python3.5/site-packages
Python documentation is available under or
There is a python doc server (pydoc server) for OpenRC add it to the start
The port is PYDOC_PORT=7464 and can be viewed:
The stuff comes from
On trouble run it from a console /usr/bin/pydoc3.6 -b
The following IDE's are available:
The standard IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that comes with Python is idle:
It requires tcl and tk support to run.
For Gentoo set the tcl and tk useflags and then re-emerge it emerge -pv python
idle is pretty basic but it might be the only IDE available (or working). To pass command line parameters idle -r<name of python script>
<command line parameter>
For a specific python version start idle3.3
Debugging is possible using its debug window, where the source can be viewed and all the variables. In the source, breakpoints can be set to lines.
With the debug window open it debugs when run, with the debug window closed run runs.
Click the Source checkbox to see single step and where the program is. For the default setting single step is a dark gray line and brake point is yellow. Not both colors can be seen at the same time so the dark gray line disappears when jumping to a yellow line. So if there is no expected dark gray line press step or out.
It has individual windows, but when arranging them it looks like a real (but un-bloated) IDE
pycharm with its community edition gets installed under gentoo in /opt/pycharm-community/bin/
Microsoft Visual Studio Code is open source and runs also under Linux. It can use a already installed python interpreter. As regular used the tar.gz file can be downloaded and unpacked and ./code be run.
eric7 is a nice complete IDE for python. It runs in a python virtual environment and might therefore have some issues with the none virtual environment.
Eclipse has a plugin, add the link get the pydev plugin. Then go to window -> preferences and set the python interpreter as /usr/bin/python3
Often python script are called by a external process, this might be a gui, and other python script or every thing else. The python script will then be started in a environment with additional environmental variable set, other command line parameters passed and maybe other processes or threads started in parallel. This environment is different from the one that would exist when the python script would have been started simply in a console.
Therefore you need a debugger with embedded debugging support as winpdb. Add the following line into the file that you would like to debug
import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger_interactive_password()
Then start the program using the python script as usual, however this time the python script will prompt for a password and wait for an external debugger. Start winpdb and go to file => password and then file => attach where the python script pop's up and can be selected. If you have problems with the interactive password you can use fix password as:
import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('hello')
Hint for winpdb: It shows at the current line capital letters that have the following meaning
C |
A function is called (or some other code block entered) |
L |
The interpreter is about to execute a new line of code (sometimes multiple line events on one line exist) |
R |
A function (or other code block) is about to return |
E |
An exception has occurred |
* |
The thread is still running (probably blocked in C code) |
Inside a python module there are global and local variables. However a child module has its own global name space and can not access global variables of the parent module. The parent module however can access the global variables of the child module by simply adding the child's module name as prefix (if imported this way)
Variables and almost everything in python are objects. Objects are instances of classes. Objects have an identifier, a name (that is optional) and a value.
Some objects as integers have immutable values and result in a not obvious behavior. This is best explained by the following:
>>> a=1 >>> b=1 >>> id(a) 134578352 >>> id(b) 134578352 >>> id(1) 134578352
To the object with the value 1 the name a gets assigned. After that the object with the name a and the value gets an additional name b. This can be verified by checking the id of the object using the names. The identifier can also be observed by passing the value to the id() command. Assigning the name b to an other value (=object) deletes the name b of the previous object.
To see that a is an object you can call the class add method of a:
>>> a.__add__(2) 3
This the same as a +2 that results in 3. In fact python converts the + sign to the class method __add__ , but luckily hides this to human.
Luckily there are objects with mutable values as lists, they behave as expected:
>>> a=[1] >>> id(a) 3075342668L >>> b=[1] >>> id(b) 3074937644L
For mutable objects, each value assigned to a name creates a new object. To get the value of the first (and here only) value of the list you can either use the nice looking command using brackets or the class __getitem__ method:
>>> a[0] 1 >>> a.__getitem__(0) 1
However the following shows a common pitfall. The simple command b=a behaves differently, the list just gets a second name. To make a copy, a slice out of the list a needs to be done. The syntax for it is [<start index>
:<end index>
]. If the indexes are omitted as in [:] then a slice from the very beginning to the very end is done.
>>> a=[1] >>> b=a >>> id(a) 3074516172L >>> id(b) 3074516172L >>> c=a[:] >>> id(c) 3074916588L
Python data types or more precisely data classes can be grouped in mutable and immutable. Additionally there are sequences. Some sequences are mutable (as lists) and some immutable (as strings, tuples).
To use the wording of object oriented programming, if a data class gets used, it becomes an data object as instance of the data class.
Explaining in simple words, it is sometimes not obvious that the data is immutable:
>>> a="hello" >>> id(a) 3073624256L >>> a=a[1:3] >>> a 'el' >>> id(a) 3073538048L
It seems that the immutable string a has been changed (even being immutable). However as the id() shows a new variable with the name a has been created.
With mutable data types the behavior is different:
>>> list=['h','e','l','l','o'] >>> id(list) 3074023660L >>> del list[2] >>> id(list) 3074023660L >>> print list ['h', 'e', 'l', 'o']
Using the python data types is a bit confusing since some commands are consistent among the different data types others not. To understand the logic behind, the different and many data types need to be understand in very detail.
There is a reason way different data types exist!
Strings have a lot of functions (or in term of object oriented programming) methods.
Table 15.2. String methods
s.strip() | Removes blank (or character passed) characters from the beginning and end |
s.split("/") | Using the character passed, splits the string in substring and returns list of substrings |
s.endwithsuffix("/") | Returns true if the string ends with the character passed |
List and tuples can have different type of variables inside. C has arrays and structures for that.To add a new element to a list do a+=[i].
One big change between python2 and Python3 are the way strings are handled.
There are strings using unicode utf-8 and bytes (byte arrays).
To convert strings to bytes character encoding and decoding is required. Bytes can be declared with b'<here are bytes>
' whereas a string is '<this is my unicode string>
Create bytes from strings is encoding strings and is done <stringofbytes>=<utf8string>
Creating strings from bytes is decoding bytes and is done <utf8string>=<stringofbytes>
Bytes arrays can contain any byte value or uft8 sequence. they can appear as follows:
x = b'El ni\xc3\xb1o' s = x.decode() print(s)
To convert a number into bytes
This has also impact how files are handled. Files can be read as text (strings) or binary data (bytes).
You can also get elements in a sequence counting from the back a[-1] gives the last element in a. Mathematically speaking the length len(a) is added to negative numbers.
>>> a="hello" >>> a[0] 'h' >>> a[-1] 'o'
The .count(<listelement>
) method returns how many times the list element is in the list, so don't loop lists for that.
2**8 is power 8 of 2 and so 256. In C, after including the math library, it would be pow(2,8)
>>> 2**8 256
Python can deal with complex numbers:
>>> a=2j >>> a+(1+1j) (1+3j)
Range checking gets more readable instead of C like (a>min)&&(a<max) it gets
>>> max=5 >>> min=2 >>> a=3 >>> min<a<max True
Every different from 0 is considered as True. this explains the following:
if a: pass if len(a): pass
Instead of if: else: if: else: if: else: use if: elif: elif: else:, since no switch case as in C exists.
As with every programming language, do not compare if two float variables are the same. Use math.isclose for that:
import math a=0.1 b=0.2 print(a+b==0.3) # gives false print(math.isclose(a+b,0.3)) # gives true format(a+b,".21g") # shows the reason format(0.3,".21g") # shows the reason
A count variable is not required in the for loop to access elements in a sequence (notice the indention):
>>> s=[0,2,4,6] >>> for p in s: ... p ... 0 2 4 6
Inside the for loop do not modify s. If you want to do it use a while loop. As example:
>>> s=[0,2,4,6] >>> while len(s)>0: ... print s ... s.pop(0) ... [0, 2, 4, 6] 0 [2, 4, 6] 2 [4, 6] 4 [6] 6
Without argument pop defaults to -1 and takes the last list member.element.
If you still want to use a count variable, you could use a while loop, but python stile uses the range command that creates a sequence that is passed to the for loop:
>>> for p in range(3): ... p ... 0 1 2
The range command can also do more as counting back and create more complex sequences.
Functions can return also more complex data as lists.
Functions can alternatively be called with <parametername>
instead of just the values in correct sequence separated by commas. This looks like more writing but is safer and nicer code since it is independent of the sequence and also makes sure the parameter are passed in a consistent manner. To have good documented code it is also recommend to put every parameter to a new line and add a comment using the # character on every line.
means that the <parameter>
can occur multiple times. It can be accessed using <parameter>
=5 assigns a default value, this allows to call the function without passing any parameters.
A lambda function just returns that it is a function
lambda x: x*x
it needs to be called with a (or multiple) parameter(s)
(lambda x: x*x)(2)
x is just the name of a place holder, any other name is ok.
A lambda function can also have a name and then used as a regular function.
lambda_add= lambda x,y: x+y lambda_add(2,1)
A better use of lambda is to use it with iterables as lists.
An example is sorting a list containing lists. The second element in every list is used for the sorting.
element=1 two_dimensional_list = [ [3, 7, 1], [2, 9, 4], [8, 5, 6] ] two_dimensional_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[element])
The sort method has the parameter key that can hold a function. This function is applied to each element in the list. This creates a temporary list of results and sort is applied to this result list. The sorted result list is then used to sort the two_dimensional_list.
Without lambda a function would have to be written that passes the element back. The variable element must be globally to be known by the function, this is really not how clean programming should be.
two_dimensional_list = [ [3, 7, 1], [2, 9, 4], [8, 5, 6] ] def get_element(x): return x[element] element=1 two_dimensional_list.sort(key=get_element)
Modules are usually single py files. Packages contain one or many modules. Packages are py files inside a subdirectory and have an file.
To use a module that is in the same directory. Note don't use - character in py file names.
import <module name>
To import all modules from a package (This can create tons of unnecessary global variables and naming conflict)
from os import *
So better
import os
And putting os in front of the module name to make it clear to where it belongs.
Python modules are usually put under /usr/lib/python
but when developing a more flexible way is desired than creating and installing packages. The modules can be anywhere as long python finds it. <pythonversion>
With the command export PYTHONPATH=/<here is my direcory>
/ ; $PYTHONPATH the search paths for python can be expanded.
To not have the hassle with the PYTHONPATH
import sys
shows where python is looking for modules
Modules in the sys.path will be found modules elsewhere not and cause an import error. The first path in sys.path is usually ' ' this means the current working dir
import os
Depending how the python script is started the cwd might be different and the python script fails (as when debugging in IDLE) to not have such effects add the missing path to sys.path using sys.path.append(<missing path>
__file__ holds the started script.
To test a module
import <module>
To test a package
import <package>
When writing a module, it is desired to run the module on its own, reasons are to debug the module or to have even a standalone utility program. Adding the following, makes starting the code just when calling the module directly with python on the command line. In this case the hidden variable __name__ contains __main__.
if __name__ == '__main__':
<here comes my test code calling the stuff above>
Instead of writing everything yourself look at There is also a tutorial about submitting and installing packages:
A good python program should not crash. However sometimes it is not known in advance if a crash might happen. Examples are input from the user for a number, or parsing an xml file.
An other approach is to catch the exception and act afterwards. To initiate this add the python key word try: then the critical code. After that there is the choice for one of the two key words:
except: This key word initiates the commands that are executed when the commands after try fail. Optionally the error can be added to except as except TypeError: to act just on type errors. This way multiple except's can follow a try:
finally: This key word works as except:, except that this code is executed also when try: worked trouble free.
In python 2 print was a keyword but in python 3 it is a build in function, therefore it has print() brackets.
To not end with new line characters tell print to no insert them
print("No new line after here", end='')
There are different ways how to format what print is doing. If nothing print prints out the variables and adds a space in between. The variables can also be converted to a string using str() or repr().
Finally there are different format string methods (see
Don't care how it will be formatted:
print(a, b)
Putting it together
print(str(a)+" "+str(b))
Old style (C like) using the % character
s = "Hello, %s! You are born %d" % ("Urs", 1962) print(s)
using rep
print(repr(a).rjust(6), repr(b).rjust(6))
using the .format method.
print('{0:6d} {1:6.2f}'.format(a, b))
The modern way is using {}
{} place holder for a string
{:d} decimal number
{:x} hex number
{:03x} hex number with 3 nibbles and printed preceding zeros
When accessing external resources as a file runtime errors could happen since the file might not be there. A way out is considering this using try and programming the cases. As simpler way is using with:
with open("x.txt") as f: data = do something with data
open returns f and f can the be used on success.
For more details see
It is common to print out information on the screen to know what is going on and avoid using a debugger. If the program gets stable it is desired to turn that off and maybe write log information in files somewhere under /var/log
where having write permission.
#!/usr/bin/python3 import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.debug("Debug")"Info") logging.warning("Warning") logging.error("Error") logging.critical("Critical")
allows this and brings many features as having different log levels and allow to adjust what will appear.
except ZeroDivisionError: logging.error("DonutCalculationError", exc_info=True)
will also log the execution information
logging.basicConfig allows to format and adjust the logging
logging.basicConfig( format="{asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}", style="{", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", level=logging.DEBUG, )
Adds a time stamp, adds the name of the module.
logging.basicConfig( filename="app.log", encoding="utf-8", filemode="a", format="{asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}", style="{", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", level=logging.DEBUG, )
Writes it into a file instead of printing to the screen.
A bigger project might want to log differently and have loggers per module. This is done by creating a logger instance and defining and adding handlers.
import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() file_handler = logging.FileHandler("app.log", mode="a", encoding="utf-8") logger.addHandler(stream_handler) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.handlers
__name__ will give the logger the name of the module.
logger will show the logger instance and logger.parent the root logger and its log level. logging.basicConfig can just be applied to the root logger.
The StreamHandler will print to the screen and the FileHandler to a file. There are many other handlers available as ones that send emails.
To format a handler, a formatter needs to be defined and then added to the handler. This way different handlers can be formatted differently
formatter = logging.Formatter( "{asctime} - {levelname} - {message}", style="{", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", ) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
will set the log levels for all handlers of the logger
just for one handler
Threads are as processes and allow to run in parallel, with the exception that threads use the same memory space. As example it thread1 writes to a global variable thread2 can read it. A python script not creating threads is a single thread script.
In the simples case threads are started as follows
import threading
t =threading.Thread(target=<function name>
More advanced threads are started by defining a new subclass of the Thread class, then override the __init__(self [,args]) method to add additional arguments. Then, override the run(self [,args]) method to implement what the thread should do when started.
The word pass is a python keyword and does not do anything. It is used to not cause a syntax error in the above code. Since a breakpoint can be set to pass it is quite helpful during program development. pass can be put as place holder for code that needs to be written.
Since it is an interpreter language you can execute what is written in a string variable using the exec command.
>>> exec "pi=3.1415" >>> pi 3.1415
To read from the console raw_input() can be used that returns always a string. However input() could also be used that returns an object based on the input a string, and integer, ... . This looks like more coding work, but using the command type() can be used to check if the input was correct or try: can be used to just be optimistic and do and if it fails except TypeError: can be used to react.
Interrupting a running program can be done with a keyboard interrupt
while True: time.sleep(0.05) # be nice try: pass # some code here except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # crtl+C brings you here
Almost every program must deal with command line parameters. Therefore python offers modules for that. The module argparse should be used now. It replaced optparse that replaced the getopt module. Some python statements are required to let the program known with what command line parameter it has to deal. Those parameters will then be easily available in the options structure. Left overs that will not be parsed are called positional arguments and are arguments that usually are absolute necessary to run (as a filename).
Instead of printing out information to track what the program is doing python offers a logger, see After
import logging
a logging call looks similar as a print:"This variable will be logged: "+i)
The logger can be configured. Levels can be set to control how much is printed. The levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL and the outputs can be written in a file instead of the console:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename='log.log')
Python programs with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) make use of the following graphical libraries that give the applications different look:
pyQT based on QT toolkit based on There is Boaconstructor a RAD (rapid development) GUI tool for it. that is the gtk=gimp tool kit. Glade is a tool to draw the GUI as xml file that can then be used by GtkBuilder to interface to different programming languages as python.
anjuta is the standard ide for gnome and gnome is based on gtk. In anjuta a new project can be created for python pyGtk. It has dependencies to rope and glade to have support for it working. This creates a working hello world gui application using python. The gui itself is an xml file with the extension ui that is in the data subdirectory. The glade support in anjuta is responsible to edit this xml file using a gui and not a text editor and integrate it to the anjuta file. Glade itself would run as standalone program to edit this ui xml file, however a consistency mess with anjuta would then be probable.
Tkinter is an interface to tk (tool kit).
Tkinter comes with python and needs no installation, but looks a bit basic. Using ttk (Tk themed widgets) to look can be improved. An advantage is that it is stable, has not many dependencies and is portable.
Tk is not python, however python comes with Tkinter that connects python to Tk.
The result is that not all data that Tk has will be visible during debugging python.
Working with Tkinter is therefore not as working with pure python.
Links to documentation:
Nowadays tinker gets used together with ttk (Tk themed widgets).
ttk comes with a set of widgets allowing to set themes with the style= attribute.
Matplotlib for plotting and numpy for numerical calculation bring functionality as known from Matlab into python. Matplotlib uses a frontend/backend approach to output the plots. This allows to use different backends to put the results into files having different formats or embed in various GUI canvasses as tkinter, gtk, qt, qt4.
Matplotlib commonly uses numpy arrays but for simple things without a lot of computing as reading results from an instrument, python lists instead of numpy arrays can be used.
For python3 matplotlib >=1.2 must be installed
Python is very open regarding data types, this might be ok for fast tests, but is a source of programming errors and lack of documentation. Type hint has been introduced to improve this.
For variable declaration:
age: int = 30
For function and methods:
def hello_name(name: str) -> str:
or if nothing gets returned
def hello_name(name: str) -> None:
During debugging the debugger shows types that can be used for the type hints.
To have a static type checker install mypy and use it as mypy <script>
On most IDE's as pycharm mypy can be added as external tool. In pycharm add the variables $FilePath$ as argument and $ProjectFileDir$ for the working directory, so mypy gets called with the file opened in the editor. Add the argument --disallow-untyped-defs to get errors when type hints are missing.
See mypy -h for more options
The standard way of installing python package is pip and using and
However installing packages without the Linux package manager being involved is not advised.
Avoid using pip as root since it could impact python scripts that are used by the system (especially Gentoo Linux since all system program as emerge are written in python). Use it as user and install the python package under the users home directory. pip install --user <package>
or pip install --user --break-system-packages <package>
If installing as --user will not break the system so in this case do not worry about --break-system-packages
With --user and not running as root, the package goes in somewhere as ~/.local/lib
or ~/.local/lib64
where the python interpreter will find it.
A way out of this is using a virtual environment
pip is also aware on what it did and what it can do. Commands as:
pip list and pip list --outdated
pip search <name>
pip uninstall <name>
pip install --upgrade <name>
pip install --user pymodbus==2.5.3
pip install --trusted-host <name>
when getting error
pip requires connection to the Internet. If this can not be done download the *.whl
or *.tar.gz
package from Some packages can have compiled binary code. For those packages multiple *.whl
exist select the one matching your hardware.
then run
pip install --no-index --find-links=<local_folder>
<package filename name>
errors might appear form missing dependent packages
pip uninstall <name>
In Linux such packages should be installed as usual using the package manager (for Gentoo the emerge command) to no create a mess with the installed package database. The python files will be installed to /usr/lib64/python
/site-packages/<package name>
Additionally specially for Gentoo Linux there might be different python versions installed (see <m>
) so it is good the package manager takes care about this. Otherwise python might be unable to find the package for the simple reason: Mismatch between python and package version numbers.
Python looks in the sys.path that can be seen by
Python 3.5.4 (default, Jan 7 2018, 19:27:36) [GCC 6.4.0] on linux
import sys
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
['', '/usr/lib64/', '/usr/lib64/python3.5', '/usr/lib64/python3.5/plat-linux', '/usr/lib64/python3.5/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib64/python3.5/site-packages'] >>>
Distutils creates further a
file (or directory) that contains information about the package. There is also a <name>
-<python version>
directory that holds the compiled and optimized bytecode files for the py file.
To use an installed python package it must be imported. To know how and what to import it must be known how it got installed.
Files as /usr/lib64/python
can be imported as <m>
import <name>
It is common, that a package is installed into a directory under /usr/lib64/python
and this directory holds different python modules (files). Such a module (file) <m>
can be imported as <m>
/site-packages/<package name>/<name>
from <package-name> import <module-name>
Doxygen supports python as well. The docstrings are considered directly by doxygen without the need to specially mark them.
Python has also a feature to attach a docstring to functions. After the function header a line starting by """ will open the docstring that can contain multiple lines and needs no special characters at the beginning of each line. The docstring is terminated by a second line starting with """. Such docstrings can be visible in the python interacting mode by the help() function.
The python module (file, main program) can hold a doxygen command as follows:
"""@package docstring
Alternatively for doxygen the # character used for comments can be takes as well.
objects have the __doc__ property that holds the docstring and can be made visible in the interpreter via help().
This means that the docstring must be placed after the object definition. Docstrings are placed within triple-double quotes (""")
Docstrings are therefore not comments (using #)
Docstrings can/should be formatted as reStructuredText
With unittest a program (
) can be made that calls the python program in various ways and compares the results against what is expected.
#!/usr/bin/python3 import unittest class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_default(self):<code>
self.assertEqual(a,b) def test_other(self):<code>
self.assertEqual(a,b) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
Different test_<name>
functions can be added that contain an assert<what>
The program can then be called as
python -m unittest -v
python -v -v since it contains #!/usr/bin/python3 MyTest -v to call the MyTest test cases MyTest.test_default_bin -v to just call a specific test case (for example the one causing troubles)
A good sign of code quality is if test run all the code. The program coverage can be used instead of the program python.
coverage run <program>
coverage report to get a text report
coverage html then open htmlcov/index.html
to see a html report
coverage -h to get help
coverage does not check what get started and run in other processes
All dependencies required to run a python script can be put into a virtual environment and therefore do not conflict with the systems python installation, dependencies, modules and versions. The virtual environment uses then a python interpreter with a specific version. Just packages installed in the virtual environment are available.
To create a virtual environment create a directory with a name. If used system wide and/or for different users then mkdir /srv/<my virtual environment>
then change to it
cd /srv/<my virtual environment>
and create the virtual environment
python -m venv .
or with a specific python version:
python3.10 -m venv .
-m calls the module venv that does the job of creating a virtual python environment
. means installation goes in current directory, add a path for an other directory I
Inside the directory run source bin/activate to enter
pip install <mypackage> to install inside the virtual environment
To exit the virtual environment, run: deactivate
The package virtualenv
needs to be installed, does the same thing as -m venv and more as example it supports also also python versions before python3.3.
For gentoo emerge virtualenv
Create a directory, preferably where all virtual environments go.
Then cd to this directory and create the virtual environment virtualenv <name of the virtual environment>
To enter into the virtual environment do source <path>
To verify being in the virtual environment:
which python
which pip
pip list
Installation is done as pip install <name of packages>
To get out of it deactivate
More than one python version is probably installed on your computer. In Gentoo Linux the command eselect python list shows what is installed and what is taken as default, first you must emerge eselect-python.
To switch to a particular version do eselect python set<n>
Which python version is active is set by links in /usr/bin
Since Gentoo allows to have more than one python version installed and usable at the same time (like version 2.7 and its new incompatible version 3.4), there needs to be some setup that this works. When installing the Gentoo-way a python scripts they end up under /usr/bin
however a closer look shows there is just a link to a wrapper script ../lib/python-exec/python-exec2
inside ../lib/python-exec/
there are other directories as python3.3
that contains all scripts.
The wrapper python-exec hat its configuration file /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf
where global preferences are set. Obviously the preferred python version must be installed, otherwise gentoo tools as emerge will pop up errors.
The libraries are under /usr/lib/python
where additional installed packages are in
. When updating and removing an old python version, it can happen that the old directory
remains, due to unknown garbage inside, so take a look and delete it. <pythonversion>
Python is portable to many different CPU architectures and operating systems, however it runs only if a python interpreter is installed. On a Linux machines as Gentoo, python can be assumed to be installed but on a Windows machine not.
On Windows the python scripts the extension can be renamed from py
to pyw
to hide the black console window when graphical python scripts are executed. The interpreter pythonw.exe
is then used instead of python.exe
As alternative there is Jython (the successor of JPython), this is python 2.x running on top of a Java virtual machine as java byte code. To use jython type jython. Jython with all its libraries can be installed as java -jar jython_installer-<version>
.jar --console or if you like to risk a gui headache java -jar jython_installer-<version>
After installation, python can be started with
IDLE console => python
console =>
double click in file manager (but console applications disappear when done)
The best way to start is using Windows menu start and start IDLE. Then open a python script
and run it as module F5
It might be installed in a user directory and therefore just available for a single user as
Make sure adding python to the path is selected otherwise python will not be found.
If the corresponding check box got not checked, then Python is not added to the windows path environmental variable so it will not be found in console window it need to be started with the complete path.
This can be fixed by adding this path to the windows environmental variables:
The shell might probably report that some modules (libraries) are not installed
The next problem is how to install those libraries, the standard way is using pip. Newer python version come with pip, on older versions pip needs to be installed first.
update pip (-m makes python know that pip is a module and python therefore knows where to look for it) is done with python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install --user bincopy==14.0.0 installs the missing module (bincopy) with a desired version (14.0.0)
A warning might comes that c:\Users\
should be set to the path
this is recommended otherwise programs as pyinstaller are not found<username>
If the installation fails due to certification errors install the certificates python -m pip install certifi
When debugging with IDLE then it can happen that imports of local modules fail. The reason is that sys.path does not contain the path of the script and the current working path is not the path where the script is. This can be fixed in the shell window of IDLE by sys.path.append('Z:\\<path of current script>
'). In this example it is shown that Windows need to get two \\ characters since the first is a string escape character.
python -m pip list to show what is already there
python -m pip install --user <package>
to do
After installing Microsoft Visual Studio Code a python file can be opened and Visual Studio Code will ask for the python interpreter. A already installed interpreted can be choose or if not available Visual Studio Code will install one.
Visual Studio Code is a modern IDE and is much better looking as IDLE.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code is open source and runs also under Linux
To know where the code is running use :
>>> import platform >>> platform.system() 'Windows'
To get portable code avoid using commands as os.system("cd /home") that execute Linux commands. Use os.chdir(<path>
) instead.
os.linesep instead of '\n' for Linux or '\r\n' for windows used in text files. However within python code it is recommended to use all the time '\n' on all platforms and have pythin deal with it.
However the next problem arises the path syntax is not consistent between Windows and Linux.
Pyhon internally the '/' is used also for windows. Printing this out would cause confusion and or passing it to a windows program would cause an error.
The pathlib can be used to convert paths from String to an object. Then different methods are possible.
import pathlib
# is an object maybe required to convert to string
t=str(s) # converts object to string
u=s.as_posix() # returns a string
Alternatively it can be dealt on string level using functions/constants/variables as
os.sep instead of the '\' for Windows and '/' for Linux characters. Don't be afraid seeing '\\' for Windows. '\' is used in Strings as escape character allowing to insert none printable characters. So a second '\' character needs to be inserted to indicate that it is a '\' character.
os.path.split() and os.path.join()
The os module (there are different implementations for the different os) puts an abstraction layer to it that can normalize path names, so it converts Windows forward slashes to backward slashes and have the drive name as directory name. Be aware that not all file systems understand utf-8 encoded file names.
Under Linux ~
is expanded to the users home directory /home/
on Windows this works as well but will be expanded to <username>
Directories under C:\Users\
that start with a '.' character are an indication that they got ported from a non Windows system to Windows (as from Linux to Windows)<username>
lxml might be problematic so it is wise to include it as
# call lxml as ET so it is compatible with the python # built-in library xml but the library lxml has more # features as pretty-print and xml declaration support lxml=False try: from lxml import etree as ET lxml=True except: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET <some code> if lxml==True: tree.write(self.sessionPath+os.sep+self.sessionFile, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True) else: tree.write(self.sessionPath+os.sep+self.sessionFile, encoding="utf-8") <some code>
pyinstaller from and a nice way to create a Windows exe. To run pyinstaller Python needs to be installed under Windows.
If the program has been developed under Linux first have it running under Windows to have all missing libraries and incompatibilities fixed.
pyinstaller allows converting python scripts into windows exe files not requiring to fiddle around with installing and setting up python on a windows computer. Those windows exe do not require administrator privilege to install them, since they contain usually all required code.
Yes, it is required to type into the Windows console commands as
pyinstaller <name>
.spec creates the <name>
can be created automatically the first time by calling pyinstaller <name>
Calling pyinstaller <name>
.py will overwrites
with default settings. Therefore rename <name>
with a useful name.<name>
The <name>
.exe can be found and started under dist\
Two ways are possible
Everything packed in a single exe file, that when started extracts itself to a os temp directory as C:\Users\
\, then it runs from that and finally the directory gets removed. Since there is just one file it is easy to distribute it. Drawback is that it is slower to start and no files as <username>
\AppData\Local\Temp\<some name>
can be observed. Call pyinstaller --onefile <name>
.py to get a default. The file
will have a long exe section but no coll section.<name>
Directory structure that contains a small windows exe to be started and all other files as dll or text files as readme.txt
Having a directory structure is also better during testing and developing, since it can be easy observed what files are around and where. Regarding paths pyinstaller is a bit tricky since a boot loader starts the windows exe. Call pyinstaller <name>
.py to get a default. The file
will have a short exe section and a coll section.<name>
It is best started in the Windows console so error messages indication missing components and file appear.
Files can be added in <name>
a = Analysis( datas=[('*.gif','.')], ...
The python tuple means copy it from source to destination.
There might be that pyinstaller does not detect all imports, missing imports can be added as
There are also command line options when creating or overwriting a <name>
.spec file.
--add-data '*.gif:.' copies *.gif to the bundle
--windowed hides the console window and shows just the gui window. Drawback no error and debug messages appear. Even when starting it in a console
--onefile puts everything in a
file that when run gets first unzipped in temp folder of OS
--icon file.ico attaches a windows icon to replace the standard python icon seen in the windows file manager. it is not the icon in the window decoration of the application.
pyinstaller can also be installed on Linux (and Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX) and can create single file executables using pyinstaller <name>
.spec or if pyinstaller is installed locally ~/.local/bin/pyinstaller <name>
This is a nice option to freeze all its dependencies to the python script and have it therefore archived and executable. The result will be different, it will a Linux binary (and not run under Windows).
Under Windows, Python can also run from a memory stick without requiring an installation, as usual under Linux there are different ways to do this: comes with an exe that is an installer. There are 2.6 but also 3.2 versions available. The versions have different IDE and libraries included. The pyscripter is a full featured IDE with everything desired and more. SPE is an other ide that makes use of winpdb as debugger. py2exe and the necessary DLL's are also present. Once installed the portable python directory can be copied and moved anywhere., unzip and go to the movpy directory and double click on movpyw to get the gui launcher. In the gui launcher the python script can be selected. There are also options to be clicked, on useful option is b that stops the console window after the script has run, this way it will be seen what the script has written to the console. IDLE is also available where the script can be debugged. Python version 2.5.1 comes with it.
Convert the python script into a windows exe file using pyinstaller
Python comes with distutils to have a standard way to distribute python code and therefore create a standard way to install it.
To create distutils package a
file has to be created that holds the information distutils requires.
For single py files this
file can placed beside the py files and can look as follows:
from distutils.core import setup setup(name='<name of the module>
', version='<version>
', scripts=['<name of the module, without py extension>
'], )
For more complex program it is wise to create a package, a collection of files. So put them in a subdirectory and place a
file above that directory that could look as:
from distutils.core import setup setup( name="girttools", packages = ["girttools"], version="0", description='Tools for Gnu Infra Red Transceiver', author='Urs Lindegger', author_email='', url='', download_url = "", keywords = ["Infrared transceiver"], classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Topic :: Multimedia", ], long_description = """\ Gnu Infra Red Transceiver Tools ------------------------------- Tools to setup and work with the Gnu Infra Red Transceiver that can replace all you IR remote controllers. """
The setup function can be called with either packages this is a list of subdirectories containing the py files or py_modules a list of python files without adding the .py extension.
The long_description (or since it is python everything) can also be read out of a file:
Valid classifiers can be found at or
Instead of py_modules that can list various py files packages is used containing the subdirectory that must contain a
Finally when done packages can be register so other will find them Python Package Index (“PyPI”) allows to classify your package so it can be found, therefore don't invent your own classifiers select them out of
To include attentional files create a
file as defined in The
file can also contain wild-carts and distutils specific commands as recursive directory functions.
Adding files is not the same as having them installed. To install them to the same location as the package goes, use package_data in the
file and not
is read among other things defined in to create the MANIFEST
file that contains all files
can also contain data_files that can be used to install files in any directory. Due to specifying the path the *.tar.gz
package will no more be portable to different systems. An example would be installing a Linux init script to /etc/init.d
, however on a Linux system using systemd instead of init or even on a Windows machine this makes not much sense to install it. It is better to do this on the system specific package as for Gentoo Linux in the ebuild. However you simply add them to the *.tar.gz
using the
python check will check your
To get the *.tar.gz
package in the subdirectory dist
run python sdist (source distribution)
For windows an graphical windows installer can be created: python bdist_wininst
setuptools is an enhanced alternative to distutils. Nice is that also setup tools uses a file. So Building the package is also done with python sdist
After having the tar.gz it could but should not be install it as : python install
Instead of that a package should be created that fits the Linux distribution and then be used with the package manager. indicates that all files in the same directory belong to a package and the directory is the name of the package.
Alternatively distutils allows to install the package to an other directory with python install --home=~ any other directory with python install --home=<dir> helps to move packages to distributions and supports RPM red hat packages.
For Gentoo Linux an ebuild needs to be developed that first installs the package in a sandbox and then copied (merged) to your system getting track what files will be added and check collisions.
Ebuilds can make usage of eclasses and there is a distutils eclass (, so the ebuild for a python module can be very simple as:
Copyright 2024 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} ) DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=setuptools inherit distutils-r1 DESCRIPTION="Library for all sort of python code" HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86" RDEPEND="dev-python/setuptools" # Dependencies at runtime DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" # Dependencies at build time src_install() { distutils-r1_src_install }
${P} is the filename of the ebuild including version number.
The inherit function loads distutils and this overwrites the standard install routines. So the ebuild contains no code just meta data about the python package and where to find it on the Internet remains.
The README.txt
file gets zipped under /usr/share/doc/${P}/
There is SWIG that creates wrapper code around the C or C++ code. This wrapper code can then be accessed by Python.
Or using cython:
When a python code is started, then the source is converted into bytecode and a virtual machine then executes this bytecode. When the same program is started again then the bytecode is started (except when the source has changed, then a new byte code is created). The files containing byte code have the extension pyc (or when optimized pyo). Be aware that the bytecode might be incompatible between different releases of python. Python has support for disassembling byte code:
>>> import dis >>> def myfunc(alist): >>> return len(alist) >>> dis.dis(myfunc) 2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (len) 3 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist) 6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 9 RETURN_VALUE