The kernel is started via bootloader. The bootloader can pass kernel parameters to the kernel. man bootparam tells you what parameters you can pass to the kernel during boot. The bootloader also tells the kernel what the kernel has to do after starting. Usually the bootloader tells the kernel to start the program init (It is possible to do something else). The kernel parameters can also be changed during runtime via the program sysctl. To see the parameters type sysctl -a and to get a description man sysctl.
Diverse distribution have a hardware data base that got (hopefully) tested under Linux, you can avoid problems considering products from this list when buying new hardware . Some examples:
Open your computer or/and launch the following programs:
lspci from pciutils package
lspci -v to get more details. The easiest way is run a liveCD and do lspci -vvv | grep Kernel to see what kernel modules get used.
lspci -vvv -s 00:10.2 to see just one single card
lspci -k to see the kernel modules supporting the cards and if in use
update-pciids update the list of known PCI ID and put it in
this is where the text of lspci comes from.
gtk-lshw (emerge lshw)
Boot with a liveCD's and look what it is using:
cat /proc/modules lists them or better formatted:
cat /proc/modules | cut -d ' ' -f 1
Check the Ethernet card since update via Internet requires it. Use the help and description in make menuconfig, make nconfig, using X make xconfig or make gconfig. Check there the kernel module names later to be seen when you use the command lsmod.
An easier way than create the .config
file is finding somebody who already has done it, so look on
your Linux PC, LiveCD or in the Internet, you might find the desired .config
There is make help that prints out a lot make inside the kernel source directory can do.
This section gives some hints about kernel compilation or information when you build the first time a kernel on a new computer. For kernel updated go directly to the kernel compilation section.
The kernel sources are in the directory cd /usr/src. To see whats there type ls -l. The symbolic link Linux points to the selected source. To update the source manually, the old link can be removed rm /usr/src/linux and a new link can be created ln -s linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r4 linux.
Gentoo recommend a faster way that avoids misspelling is using the eselect kernel list and eselect kernel set<n>
Use make xconfig to have the short documentation available when you go through the options. You
find there links to the Internet or to /usr/src/linux/Documentation
where you get more information about the kernel.
If you don't find an option look at it is build from the file /usr/src/linux/arch/x86/Kconfig
. This file includes lines as
source "init/Kconfig"
that include other files.
To not have to save corresponding kernel configuration each time a new kernel is configured by a command as:
cp .config /boot/config-2.6.24-gentoo-r4-2008-04-18
The configuration in the hidden file /usr/src/linux/.config
can be attached to the kernel. The kernel options IKCONFIG (general
setup > kernel .config support) and IKCONFIG_PROC (general setup > enable access to .config
through /proc/config.gz
> must be set.
When the
kernel is running and having set IKCONFIG_PROC the
can be unzipped
from /proc/config.gz
gunzip config.gz.
To restore cd /usr/src/linux and zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
The other option is:
scripts/extract-ikconfig <name of the kernel file>
If you select kernel options you might think enable verbose debug messages is a good thing, this might be the case if you look for specific problems, however it can get very annoying when so many debug messages appear on the screen frequently and periodically like every two seconds to prevent you to work in the console. Candidates for that are USB and PM (Power management) messages. See what you have enabled:
cat .config | grep VERB
cat .config | grep MESSA
cat .config | grep DEBUG
make loadmodconfig deletes all not running modules in .config
and therefore helps to make a small kernel image,
When you run in X, you will not see them (press Crtl + Alt + F1 to see them and Crtl + Alt + F7 to go back to X).
Before you reboot and run into version problems with some kernel modules not delivered with the new kernel source. Re-emerge those kernel modules now, since the link points already to the new kernel source (even the old kernel is running) so the drivers will match the kernel version, otherwise the kernel probably will refuse to load those drivers (Other way would be using the option to force loading kernel modules with mismatching versions exist, however this is less clean and safe).
Further if you select in Grub at boot time previous compiled kernels, an other problem might occur. Kernel modules are still used from the last compilation and might no more be compatible to the previous installation, they might even block your computer. Therefore all kernel modules not taken from the kernel need to be re-compiled as well.
To not manually remember what kernel modules are installed, Gentoo Linux has a tool emerge module-rebuild that does a rebuild to all used kernel modules not delivered with the kernel source
module-rebuild rebuild
does the job. An alternative would be emerge all packages individually.
The kernel source is under
. It is quite common to have different versions of the kernel source or even patched versions of the kernel sources on the system. So/usr/src/linux
is mostly a symbolic link to a directory containing the selected kernel source. Setting up the kernel source means bending the symbolic link
to the desired directory as: ln -s /usr/src/<kernel source name>
Under Gentoo Linux there is eselect that allows to work with this link more safely and advanced. To see what you have got and what source is used
eselect kernel list
If the newest source is not selected, select it (it does nothing else than safely updating the link of
eselect kernel set<n>
Goto the kernel source
cd /usr/src/linux
If you have selected a new source copy over old kernel configuration file:
cp /usr/src/linux-4.<version>
/.config .config
To update your old .config
to the new source run:
make oldconfig
If you want to do changes to .config
then do the following otherwise jump to the next section:
make menuconfig
Pressing / pops up a search window
or the newer method
make nconfig
or to have something more advanced under X:
make xconfig
If you do not have a .config
file do make defconfig or make config
There is also make localmodconfig that makes a .config
according what is running in the system (plug in therefore all your peripherals)
Compile the kernel and install the kernel modules
make && make modules_install
(This command uses && to run two commands in a row, make standalone does the compilation and then make modules_install that installs the modules).
Copy and rename the kernel to the boot directory. Depending on how you boot, the destination path might be different as /boot/boot/
. The kernel should be renamed to reflect its source, version and maybe compilation date so it can be distinguished from other kernels:
cp arch/<arch>
/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-<version
The architecture <arch>
is i386 for a 32bit machine, x86_64 for a 64bit machine or arm for an embedded system using a arm micro-controller as the Raspberry.
There is also make install to install the kernel, but it will get default names for the kernel and might have a conflict with the grub2-mkconfig.
In case the kernel does not compile save your configuration and clean the kernel source:
cp /usr/src/linux/.config /root/kernel-config
cd /usr/src/linux
make clean
mv /root/kernel-config .config
make && make modules_install
For grub2 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg does the job.
For grub legacy ( grub below version 1) now add entry in the loader menu /boot/grub/grub.conf
title=Gentoo Linux 3.<version>
root (hd0,0) kernel /kernel-3.<version>
When you have a new source compiled, the depending kernel modules not delivered with the kernel source need also to be recompiled, otherwise they might not be accepted by the kernel due to a version conflict.
For Gentoo emerge @module-rebuild will do it. In the past there was the following command (emerge module-rebuild) module-rebuild rebuild that recompiled the known kernel modules not delivered with the kernel source:
Now reboot: init 6
For an overview see:
Applications can communicate with the kernel using system calls. All system calls are listed in
The applications prepare the data for the system call and create an interrupt to call the kernel to do something. The following example shows how a C program makes the system call write.
is the c library that holds the system call C functions.
0 is the file descriptor and means standard input output. 12 stands for the 12 characters to be printed.
The following program when started gets obviously a process ID, but it also creates a second child process using the fork command. After that both parent and child process get trapped in while loops. Using the KDE System guard both processes can be observed and killed (parent)!
Example 3.3. fork
#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> int main () { int forkvar; forkvar = fork(); if(forkvar==0) { printf("child process\n"); while(1); } else { printf("parent process started child with PID:%i\n",forkvar); while(1); } return 0; }
Now, the child process is running, but as a second instance of the parent process. The kernel has a process table that actually can be seen using KDE System guard. Child and parent process running with the same parameters but different PID's. In the tree view the relation between child and parent (and bash that has called them) can also be verified.
The following line can be put into the program to call an other program
execl("<path to and the the binary>
","<name of the program>
The data in the process table will be replaced.
<path to and the binary>
has to be replaced by program to be executed including the directory
<name of the program>
has to be replaced
NULL stands for null arguments passed to the program
Processes can have different status:
Running |
Having one CPU, just one process can run at a time |
Ready |
The process is ready to run but waits for the kernel scheduler to start it |
Blocked |
Process is waiting for an event and does not be activated by the kernel scheduler |
The process table is defined in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h
see the definition:
struct task_struct
Different signals can be sent to the processes
Friendly ask to terminate |
Not so friendly ask to terminate |